Friday, October 24, 2008


by Billy Williams

1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) - Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

God gifts us all in different ways and His grace takes many different forms. Do I show the many facets of His grace with my gifts or do I only show it in those areas I am comfortable with? Do I only use my gifts for those who are open to His word, doing Christian works for Christian people, or do I show grace to those who are opposed to God, his enemies?
Two of the many facets of grace are divine love and protection bestowed freely on mankind, and unmerited favor toward an enemy. In both cases it is given freely and at great cost. It offers to save, love and protect despite my embracing of or opposition to it. I should look at all of my abilities, no matter how small, as gifts from God and find ways to show His grace to all I encounter--enemy and ally alike.

God, teach me to show grace in all of its forms to those around me. Let me use my gifts for You. Father, make me a conduit of Your grace and mercy.

1 comment:

  1. That is my prayer, too. I often feel I have no real gifts, especially spiritual gifts. And I feel as though I am still looking around, trying to figure out where and how and when God will use me. I do need to show more grace and be more merciful.
