Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Eyes of The Artist

by Billy Williams

Mark 4:30,33,34 (CEV)

30 Finally, Jesus said: What is God's kingdom like? What story can I use to explain it?

33 Jesus used many other stories when he spoke to the people, and he taught them as much as they could understand. 34 He did not tell them anything without using stories. But when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.

I have always found it fascinating and, at times, frustrating that Jesus taught using parables or stories. Why didn’t He just come out and give specific detailed data concerning the Kingdom and God and His purpose here on earth? In some ways it has always struck me as being a bit aloof. But then I have to look at it from the perspective of an artist -- maybe this was Jesus’ way of presenting an Artist’s Statement. Here the Creator of all things presented a glimpse into how and why creation works the way it does. He was taking the obvious and the abstract of his creation and explaining beyond what we think we see.

When I paint or draw an object I don’t always represent it true-to-life, in hard, fast detail; I want the viewer to see more in the object than is really there. I want them to think about the image in front of them, to dig deeper. When I read the stories that Jesus used to explain creation I should look deeper than just the simple facts of the story. I need to see it through the eyes of the Artist, as it were, to grasp more than just the surface.

Jesus, as I read the stories you told about your kingdom, let me see them through your eyes, the eye of the artist. Take me to a deeper place where I ponder and enjoy your works.

by: Billy Williams
Graphite 11"x17"

Artist Statement:

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the hands are the canvass on which the soul paints its' life story.

This drawing, with its focus directly on the weathered hands of the Vintner, was inspired by a message David Perez presented in 2007. He made the analogy that our lives are like tools in the garden shed of the Master Vintner. At the end of our days, our hope and prayer should be that we are well used -- scarred, dented, rusted, chipped and worn from our many journeys into the vineyard, working the soil in anticipation of the sweet fruit.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last One Standing

© Mohsen Beirami |
by Billy Williams

Job 19:25-27 (AMP)

25 For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at last He [the Last One] will stand upon the earth.

26 And after my skin, even this body, has been destroyed, then from my flesh or without it I shall see God,

27 Whom I, even I, shall see for myself and on my side! And my eyes shall behold Him, and not as a stranger! My heart pines away and is consumed within me.

What wonderful words of hope and longing from the writer. Interesting how he, without knowing, speaks of Jesus thousands of years before His birth. His assurance is his Redeemer is not dead or false and that in the end the True God will be the last one standing. The writer knows it does not matter if he is dead or alive -- on the day of redemption he will see God, with his own eyes and as a friend.

Even after all the years I have been a Christ follower, I need to remind myself that I will someday see Him face to face. And in that meeting we will embrace not as strangers, but as friends. There can only be one Truth and in the end He will stand again on earth
and on my side.

God, thank you that you are on my side. Remind me daily that I will someday see you face to face - with my own eyes - and you will call me friend.

My Answer

by Billy Williams


1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.


I should be ready, always, to tell people about the hope I have in Christ. He is my hope even when I feel hopeless and my depression seems to get the best of me. What does it mean to set Christ apart as Lord?


Gods word needs to fill my heart and my mind. I need his word to guide me in setting Him “apart” as Lord. Separated from the things that could distract and even rule in my life. So that in all things, good or bad, I can truly place my hope in him and have Him as the reason when I am asked. Our economy dips and rises. We are constantly battered with bad news and fed a never ending diet of negative. I want my hope to be firmly rooted in the economy of my Fathers kingdom.


Jesus, take your rightful place as Lord in my heart. Be above all others and let me have my hope in You. Father, thank you for being the answer for my hope.


Friday, October 24, 2008


by Billy Williams

1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) - Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

God gifts us all in different ways and His grace takes many different forms. Do I show the many facets of His grace with my gifts or do I only show it in those areas I am comfortable with? Do I only use my gifts for those who are open to His word, doing Christian works for Christian people, or do I show grace to those who are opposed to God, his enemies?
Two of the many facets of grace are divine love and protection bestowed freely on mankind, and unmerited favor toward an enemy. In both cases it is given freely and at great cost. It offers to save, love and protect despite my embracing of or opposition to it. I should look at all of my abilities, no matter how small, as gifts from God and find ways to show His grace to all I encounter--enemy and ally alike.

God, teach me to show grace in all of its forms to those around me. Let me use my gifts for You. Father, make me a conduit of Your grace and mercy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

To Be Called “Friend”

by Billy Williams

Proverbs 22:11(NIV) - He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.

Do I love a pure heart? For that matter, do I have a pure heart? I am sure that my speech is not always gracious. What would my life be like to have the King for a friend?

I should seek people whose hearts are pure and learn from them. I should learn to speak graciously to and about others. Having the King as a friend is having someone of wise counsel, protection and influence in my corner.

God, teach me to tame my tongue and thoughts. Create in me a clean and pure heart; break my heart for what breaks yours. When I speak of others, let me see them as you see them. Grant me the privilege of being called your “friend.”

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Beautiful

by Billy Williams

Titus 2:10 (NIV) – ... So that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.

Does my life make the teachings about God attractive? Though I know Paul was encouraging those bound in slavery to live a life like Christ, his words are still true for me. Do I say “no” to ungodly things by the grace that saves me? Would someone who does not know God see His story in me and want what I have?

This is the basis of evangelism, that others would see God in me–that I would live my life in a way that makes the teachings of God attractive. Not to make His teachings conform to my standards, but to love God and love others more than I do, so that others would see me in the image of Christ.

God, help me to show your light, grace, love and care to others so they might be attracted to your teaching.

What I am doing. Read This First

by Billy Williams

OK, so here is what I am doing.

My Church is doing a Life Journal and I want to share (some of) my entries with anyone who happens to come across this page. I am not interested in splitting hairs over my personal theology, but would welcome insightful thoughts and comments concerning the scripture at the beginning of each post and how it applies to your life and relationship with God.

If you are looking for a robust debate on doctrine, hermeneutics, the crusades, Rick Warren, Pope Leo XIII, or the role of the church in post modern America please feel free to post on the myriad of other blogs devoted to these and other topics.

Each post will be simple and will follow the SOAP format:


A couple of last comments. I cannot spell or punctuate very well. I will try to have my beautiful wife and copy editor check each post before it hits the web. If you find a typo or missing comma it means that I posted without her watchful eye. Please have a good laugh and let it go, in the scheme of things it is not a salvation issue.