by Billy Williams
Mark 4:38, 40 (NLT)
40Jesus asked his disciples, "Why were you afraid? Don't you have any faith?"
I wish I could say the title to this post was original; actually I lifted it from an album by the 77's. If you have never heard the 77's you have not yet lived. I have walked with Christ since I was a sophomore in high school and many times felt like I was drowning with land in sight while Jesus slept in the boat. I think we read this passage with a prejudice against the disciples. Silly men, that is Christ in the boat with you - how dare you have no faith? But consider this: at that point they were living without the benefit of knowing the end of the story...like we do. How would I have fared in this situation? Remember these were fishermen, they lived on the sea and knew that water well. It must have been a pretty big storm to rattle them.
The story I see here is still played out every day in my own life. Sometimes I fail to see the big picture. I think Jesus was in the boat asleep because He knew that nothing could keep Him from fulfilling his mission. Maybe the disciples should have followed His example and taken a nap while enjoying the ride. The question He posed wasn't so much "Do you really think I would let you drown?" as much as it was "Do you not trust God to fulfill His mission in you?" I have to keep in mind that even if I feel I am drowning with land is sight, God sees the bigger picture and will always make good His plan.
Jesus, let me rest in the knowledge that You have a plan for my life that will not be altered by storms.
I had never thought about the storm being so big is would have rattled fishermen... great observation. Great blog, btw! And thanks for stopping by mine earlier. :)