by Billy Williams
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Drowning with Land in Sight
by Billy Williams
Friday, January 22, 2010
Practice Makes Better (Not Perfect)
by Brenda Williams
Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
--Philippians 4:9 (NLT)
I think I’ve stumbled onto a hard truth. Well, more like eased into it. After struggling with my own lack of discipline and asking God WHY I don’t have a desire to open His Word and spend time with Him in prayer … after hearing my pastor over and over again talk about "advanced decision-making" and choosing to do the hard things … after facing my own laziness and then finally sitting down and making myself actually read the Bible and spend time in prayer and reflection … I might finally have it.
It stands to reason that when something doesn't come naturally (and maybe even when it does), you have to practice to become good at it and then to stay good at it. And if you don’t, your lack of benefit and enjoyment are your own fault. Reading Paul’s words here in a new way made me realize this truth also applies to the things of faith. I'm reminded of the quote from one of my favorite “chick” movies, Pride and Prejudice, when Eliza Bennett admonishes Mr. Darcy for claiming to not have a talent for conversation and compares it to her own lack of skill on the piano: “…I have always supposed it to be my own fault," she said, " because I would not take the trouble of practising.”
So I need to own up to the fact that it is my own fault. No wonder I struggle to enjoy my quiet time and grow in my faith. How can I? I am not investing in it!
Father, forgive my lack of discipline. Strengthen my determination to invest my time and my heart in the practice of my faith. Help me direct my mind to thoughts of the good, righteous, true and lovely, and let me reap the benefits of your peace and presence. Amen.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The Act of Believing
The act of worship and belief are described so simply and seem so easy for those people I read about in God’s pages. She worshiped. He opened her mind. Is it really that simple? Why is there struggle for me, even today?