Hebrews 10:37-39 For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. 38But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." 39But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Christ is coming without delay; we who are righteous live by faith until then and do not shrink back.
Here the author gives every believing heart a lift, encouraging us with the immediacy and urgency of our faith: Christ IS coming, he is coming SOON, and we are NOT to be faint of heart, NOT to “shrink back” -- from persecution, from ridicule, from challenge, from our tasks, or from our own doubts. Meet them head on, or He will be displeased with us!
He “will not delay,” it says. That gives me hope that though I await his return and wonder, Christ is not sitting there idly waiting. He is actively engaged in God’s plan, and will arrive in a little while when all is ready. There is no delay -- he will come right on time. And the time is God’s to determine. And we should be doing the same. Take heart and be encouraged to know that Christ is preparing and we are to be working hard as well.
Father, help me to trust in your timing, in your return, and to be engaged in the business at hand while we await your return.
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