by Billy Williams
Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see. (Heb 11:1 GWT)
Doing the will of God. The ultimate goal of all Christians should be just that - God's will. But what is God's will for our lives? We know the easy answers to this question: to love God, seek the kingdom, make disciples. Getting more specific seems to be the problem. What kind of job does God want me to have? What dreams and aspirations in my life should I seek out and which should I let go? How do I know for sure what God wants me to do? The answer is, we don't. If God laid out every move that we are to make like a road map in front of us, there would be no need for faith.
We get so caught up in knowing the exact will of God that we become paralyzed, unable to make a move toward a dream or goal because we fear it might not be the move that God wants us to make. We choose to stand still when God wants us to move ahead, trusting (having faith) that He is in control. Doing God's will is desiring God's will. We should be willing to move ahead with reckless abandon seeking God's guidance and provision. If we do this, we are within the safety net of God's plan for our life. If we set out to accomplish a goal and our game plan is to trust God in every aspect, He will surely not let us go astray. Not to say that we will not experience failures and stops along the way. What we consider failure today might be God's success tomorrow - a way for God to fine tune our course. It is a great privilege to be able to live life knowing that we have the wisdom and assets of the Creator of it all. How can anything seem out of reach?
Heavenly Father, help me today to know that you guide my steps. Make me bold in my dreams and confident in my decisions. Bless the roads that I choose and in all things bring glory to Your name. Amen
Thank you Billy, I needed this push!