Saturday, September 11, 2010

Great Expectations

by Brenda Williams

But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, You must be holy because I am holy.

1 Peter 1:15-16†(NLT)

I have experienced God up close and personally -- there are so many times I’ve been aware of His presence and, while rare, there have actually been a couple of times I’ve known He was speaking directly to me. But lately there have been reminders that God has more in store for me, and more He expects from me.

Along with obedience, prayer, tithing and grace-giving, I am called to strive for purity and righteousness. To be like God. What a daunting prospect and so easy to sweep under the rug when tidying up my spiritual self! What does it mean to be holy? I think it starts with an understanding of God’s holiness.

God is our Creator, Father and Friend. But He is also unblemished, all powerful, awesome. Worthy of praise, even in the darkest hour. Why do I conveniently seek out His comfort and protection while overlooking His majesty and holiness? Maybe because it means I will have to face my own tarnished heart -- my UNholiness. I must pay attention to God’s demand that I become more like Him.

Father, come in and sweep clean the corners of my heart; forgive my unwillingness to face my unholiness. Help me strive to truly be like You. Amen.


  1. "Why do I conveniently seek out His comfort and protection while overlooking His majesty and holiness? Maybe because it means I will have to face my own tarnished heart -- my UNholiness." So true! May we be more like Him! Thanks for the GREAT reminder, Brenda!

  2. Thanks for weighing in, Michelle. Love your quest for thought-provoking blog posts - and the red balloon pic is killer. Blessings!
